Superhero Bundle


15 in stock



Channels Self Love, Higher Self/Inner Light, and Inner Child Healing
Superhero aims to magnify self love, knowledge from your higher self/inner light, and helps bring out your inner child.  With heavy hitters from each bundle and additional crystals for manifestation, communication, and grounding. This bundle truly is all about accessing your power and strength.
Oil Pairing- Stronger
Stronger is a Doterra Belnd which contains: Cedarwood, Litsea, Frankincense, and Rose
Primary Benefits of Stronger include: Promotes feelings of wellness and vitality, soothing to the emotions during times of distress
Hardness 7 Rose Quartz– The ultimate self love stone, channels unconditional love infinite peace, enhances  affirmations
Hardness 4 Rhodochrosite– The stone of selfless love & compassion
Hardness 7-7.5 Pink Tourmaline-Attracts love, inspires trust in love,channels that it is safe to love
Hardness 7 Amethyst-promotes love of the divine, encourages selflessness & wisdom, blocks stress, negative environments, energies,purifies
Hardness 2 Selenite-A protection stone, detaches thought forms from the aura and prevents negative thoughts from entering the aura
Hardness 6-6.5 Pyrite-An excellent energy shield, blocks out negative energy & pollutants,   creates a positive outlook
Hardness 5-6 Labradorite-A stone of transformation, prepares for the ascension process, deflects unwanted energies from the aura, helps with strength and perseverance, banishes fears and insecurities .
Play(Inner Child):
Hardness 7 Citrine-The stone of joy, a powerful cleanser & regenerator, carries the power of the sun, helps clear family discord  & emotional balance
Hardness 7 Bloodstone-A powerful healer, revitalizer, immune simulator, assists in living in the present moment, grounds heart energy, reduces irritability, aggressiveness, impatience,  used to overcome enemies in ancient times
Hardness 6  Moss Agate-a birthing stone of new beginnings & multilevel cleansing, refreshes the souls & aides in seeing the beauty in all, soothes and calms, facilitates self acceptance, balances energy(emotional, physical, intellectual) & yin/yang
Communication Stones:
Hardness 9 Lapis Lazuli-stimulates personal and spiritual power, highlights the power of spoken word, harmonizes body, emotions, mind, and spirit deep inner self knowing and multidimensional healing helps you to express your opinion, and taking charge of your life
Hardness 9 Ruby-encourages passion for life,motives, & sets goals, encourages you to “follow your bliss”, powerful shield against attacks of the heart energy
Manifestation Stones:
Hardness 4-7 Tigers Eye-A protection stone, helps with mental disorders, deals with issues of self worth, self criticism, great for focusing energy,  Roman soldiers used this stone to protect them in battle.
Hardness 7 Red Jasper-A stone for calming emotions, excellent for calming worries & grounding, cleanses & stabilizes, enhances sexuality,returns negativity to its source
Hardness 6.5-7 Kembaba Jasper-A stone helpful for fertility, creativity, endurance, and helps during times of challenge, brings stability and purpose to the present moment
Hardness 4 Flourite– cleanses & stabilizes the  aura, overcomes disorganization, draws off negative energies & stress
Hardness 7 Clear Quartz-enhances affirmations and all stones and positive energy  around it
Hardness 7-7.5 Black Tourmaline-the stone for blocking attacks and ill wishes, protects against negative energies of all kinds, clears blockages, grounds energy, and physical vitality, instills a positive attitude
Hardness 3-4 Shungite-Incredible shielding & purifying power, removes harmful pollutants when charged in water boots physical well-being. Positive aspects for your soul and body.
*Please note the hardness of each crystal varies and some stones in the bundle may break over time due to repeated contact with a harder stone.*